Thursday, September 11, 2008


Well here I am trying my hand at this blogging thing. I did one on MySpace once.. but I was not motivated to do another. Mainly because I have grown to despise MySpace. Not for the concept of social networking.. but because everyone is always changing their names from meaningless nonsense to even more meaningless nonsense. One day someone's name will be.. oh I don't know... "Bluebird" and the next they are **<3HuGgYbEaR<;D**. That is so annoying to try and read... plus, how the hell am I supposed to know who you are? Especially when you change your photo to a picture of some guy, that isn't you, wiping out on his skateboard...

Then the layout customisation just got to be too much for me to handle.. there is just way too much clutter on some of those pages. Plus someones songs blaring out at me when I switch to thier page... thankfully that one has a remedy. I know I sound like I must be a 95 year old man pining for simpler times, but I think it is more that I am bored with the anxt that is so frequently on display on MySpace.

The bilboard is what really sent me over the edge. So many people posting random thoughts that I, god knows why, would find myself reading. Everything from a post about Nachos being too hot and burning the roof of someones mouth leaving that little flap of bruned skin hanging down, to an attempt at deep meaning full poetry about the boy that just broke up with this 12 year old who has no true concept of a committed relationship. Somtimes something so inane as, I'm getting in the shower now. WTF?!? Who needs to know this? Do you always narrate your life?

Long and the short, I made the move to FaceBook and am much happier. So if you are an avid MySpace user... nevermind, you're not going to relate to this anyway...

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